Work with Me

Act 3 is for people who are a lot like me.

Getting older can be lonely. It can be discouraging. It can be fraught with fear and anxiety about time passing and running out. It can also be a time that is rich with self exploration, a time when we can give ourselves permission to explore and try new things, to reach out into our communities, or in toward our wounded parts to offer tender understanding and healing through integration.

We suddenly find ourselves in the third act of life… and we don’t want to waste what’s left. We want to find and hold meaning, reestablish or discover a sense of identity and purpose, and explore what it means to be here, in this world, as it is right now.

I bring all of me to all I do.  I offer a lifetime of experience and wisdom. I listen and reflect, distill and suggest. I will meet you where you are, and walk with you.  Unlike other coaching programs, there is no “program” here.  There is no script. I have tools we can use if and when they seem to be useful (Myers-Briggs, Eannegram, NLP, etc.). Otherwise this is an exploration. If you’re not sure if I would work well with you, reach out. 30 minutes, $50. And– after we talk– if you don’t think it’s a great fit,  I’ll give you a full refund.

Work with me

I meet with clients in person here in Denver or via Skype from my desk at the edge of my kitchen.  I’d love to connect. Curious? Contact me to set up a time for an initial consultation. And it’s low risk for you– 30 minutes, $50 and if you don’t think it’s a great fit, I’ll send you a refund.

Full coaching sessions are 60 minutes, $100.

Contact Me