
Hi- I’m Mark Johnson, a highly sensitive, intuitive, liberally educated and intensely curious explorer and life- guide.

As an adult I’ve been a teacher at both traditional and alternative secondary schools, a headmaster, a college professor, and a hardware store owner–as well as a student, a voracious reader, a seeker, a mentor, and supporter of others on their journeys.

I am nourished by insights from Jung and Rohr, Mary Oliver, Wendell Berry, James Baldwin, Karen Armstrong, a variety of spiritual and religious texts and the canon of Western Humanities. And now I am focusing on the shape and meaning of life’s journey, the place and role of spirituality, and the interconnectedness of all Life.

While intellectually (socially, politically and spiritually) I tend toward the liberal end of the spectrum, I have a wide-open mind and heart. Connecting with people, people of all persuasions and walks of life, and affirming their existence is a key part of my purpose in this life.

And throughout it all, my real education and life’s purpose was—and continues to be– in loving others, and in trying to live, consciously, mindfully, gratefully, intensely.