1. This is really terrific dad.
    I'm thinking that there is, perhaps, more exquisite beauty in moments that we allow that kind of innocent joy and beauty in-the-moment awareness to seep in, in SPITE of all we know, as if it is the fact of that very knowing that sweetens it.

    Love you so
    and more than that

  2. Something interesting I've learned about pleasure. The amount of pain and pleasure in my life is an apparently unconsciously deliberate balancing act. The time spent consuming each side of this circular spectrum is where things "appear" to have been out of balance. However, I've experienced the extremes of both halves of the pie and come to this conclusion. Choosing happiness as a result of the experience which led to these sensations was/is the message in my point of view. Choosing to be happy or moving in the direction of happiness as quickly as possible in moments where I seem to have lost footing has become the matter of import. Pleasure is very good at masking sadness. Pain is very good at burying happiness. A healthy blend can lead to an orgasmic experience of joy through the sadness of the human condition. Laughing and crying at the same time… Moderation is wisdom in other words. I love your openness and even more so your honesty.

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