Name Should Change From Goldman Sachs to Sacks of Gold

This is a video featuring the ever-articulate Chris Hedges and Cornel West who are holding a mock trial of Goldman Sachs at the Occupy Wall Street site in New York City. I think that much of what they have to say makes sense and, therefore, heightens my rage at the unwillingness of the legal system to penalize those people and institutions who created the financial mess we are currently enduring. Lots of people are suffering while the perpetrators of this financial crime are free to continue to enrich themselves at our expense. Check it out.  The movement is alive and well. Keep tuned in.

Cornel West and Chris Hedges at Goldman Sachs Mock Trial


The People vs. Goldman Sachs mock trial people’s hearing held at Liberty aka Zuccotti Park with fiery commentary by Dr. Cornel West, eloquence by Chris Hedges, and testimonies from people directly affected by Goldman Sach policies. Chris Headges states: “Goldman Sachs, which received more subsidies and bailout related funds than any other investment bank because the Federal Reserve permitted it to become a bank hodling company under it’s emergency situation has used billions in tax payer money to enrich itself and reward its top executives. ”
This article was published at NationofChange at: All rights are reserved.

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